~What You'll Need To Get Started With Punch Needle Embroidery~

Each needle work endeavor requires certain tools. Here is a list of MY tools & materials, OF CHOICE , that are needed for Punch Needle Embroidery.

A Punch Needle. For Punch Needle Embroidery I use an Ultra-Punch Needle which can be purchased HERE.
I recommend purchasing the three-needle set as it contains a small, medium and large needle plus two needle threaders.
You will use the small needle tip for; the size 8 pearl cotton, which is my favorite, three strands of floss or the size 12 pearl cotton. You will use the medium needle tip for a single strand of the size 8, two strands of the size 8, the size 5 Pearl Cotton or six strands of floss. The large needle tip can be used with yarn or wool thread.

A gripper frame or Morgan Locking Lip Hoop. For a long time I was a tried and true hoop user. One day however, a student brought a Gripper frame to one of my workshops and I was hooked!!! I've since switched over to thE Gripper frame as they ease up some of the cramping, in my hand, that can occur with long hours of punching. Both hoop and frame are great, and I feel you cannot go wrong with either. Both hold the weaver's cloth DRUM TIGHT, which is ABSOLUTELY imperative when doing punch needle embroidery.
Needle Threaders. I don't know how it happens but these darn things disappear into thin air!! Stock up!!! You HAVE to have them to thread your Cameo needle!

FLOSS. My absolute favorite floss and what I use 99% of the time is Valdani Pearl Cotton Floss, Size 8..OH HOW I LOVE IT! It is 100% color fast, gorgeous, variegated thread that will give your work a rich, quality look and feel that will truly last.

Some folks tend to see the cost of a ball of Valdani Floss and shy away, thinking it is costly. This is simply a misconception. When you compare the cost per yard Valdani is actually less expensive than regular embroidery floss. A HUGE bonus, especially for a beginner, is that there is not a lot of re-threading with the floss balls. You simply thread your needle and punch until a color change is necessary.
My favorite FLOSS (floss can be separated, thread is one strand) is the Weeks Dye Works FLOSS. It is gorgeous! I have started using six strands of floss with my medium needle and love how it looks so much like tiny hooked loops.

Floss Keeps. If using the balls of Valdani floss (which I highly recommend) you will want something to keep them in. Otherwise they will bounce all over the place and get caught up. If this happens it will pull your loops back out..and you don't want that :)
**You can also use a small juice glass or mug for this purpose.

Weavers Cloth. This is, and has been, the main fabric for Punch Needle Embroidery. It is a combination of cotton and polyester which gives it a nice tight weave to hold those tiny loops. There are a few combinations out there but I prefer the 55/45 Polyester/cotton blend as it seems to work the best as it has a nice tight weave, and is a bit thicker and stiffer, in my humble opinion.
I hope this helps you get started in this wonderful needle art :)
I hope this helps you get started in this wonderful needle art :)